Thank you for doing the critical work to make your community safer. You're joining other administrative officials and proactive citizens across the state, working hard to get Flood Ready. We're available to help you as your community decides your best path forward.
What steps will you take next and who will help you see this through? Here are some ideas for what's next:
- Join the Flood Resilience Listserv to get updates on new developments in flood resiliency and to share what's working in your community.
- If you haven't spoken with your Regional Floodplain Manager and someone at your Regional Planning Commission, introduce yourself and discuss next steps.
- Circle back to the What To Do Next page in the Basic Concepts section to fully understand and prioritize your opportunities.
We'd love to hear how this training toolkit worked for you. We can adjust it and may have capacity to add new components in the future. Please take this survey to help us improve it.